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About the Pastors

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Discipleship Pastor Wayne Mundell

Pastor Wayne and his wife Linda were born in Zimbabwe to immigrant parents, and have lived in the United States with their two sons since 2009.  Their journey with the Lord has been adventurous; to say the least!  Wayne and his wife were saved at the same church service in South Africa in 1991; just days after getting engaged, and have not looked back since!  Pastor Wayne and his family have lived in 5 different countries and have sought to follow the Lord whole-heartedly; no matter the challenge, nor where He might lead.

Since being saved, Wayne’s desire has been to seek the Lord with all his heart, soul, mind and strength.  He has diligently read and studied the Word daily; eager to be a “doer” of the Word and not just a “hearer”.  The Bible says “you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13) and Pastor Wayne has always taken God at His Word.  Over the years, Wayne and his family have experienced and encountered God in so many ways, as they have sought to follow His leading in their lives.

In 2000, the family was forced to leave Zimbabwe due to much political unrest.  The Lord led them to Ireland, where they lived for nine years.  He opened one door after another and prospered them beyond all expectations.  It was a time of great spiritual growth for both Wayne and Linda, and they were baptized in 2001 by their friend and mentor, Mac – an American missionary, who has been very instrumental in their lives ever since.  Wayne and Linda became very active in their little church; with Wayne becoming an Elder and Sunday School teacher.

In 2008, God sent a cowboy preacher (Gary Walker) from Wyoming to Ireland.  Through a series of divine guidance, Gary ended up visiting the Mundell’s little church in Ireland, and they invited him home for lunch.  During this encounter God’s Spirit stirred Wayne to ask Gary where he received his Biblical training.  The preacher shared all about Frontier School of the Bible in Wyoming, and thus the nudging to go there began! 

Through this godly messenger, Wayne was convinced the Lord was calling him to Bible school, however this was going to be a huge and complex undertaking; one the family knew they could not do without God. It seemed crazy and impossible as there were so many responsibilities that could not be abandoned – including two businesses; a mortgage; two teenage boys in high school; and a family dog too! 

They would have to apply for Student Visas, and in addition to college fees, they had to prove they had enough money to sustain themselves for an entire year; because the student visa would not allow any of them to work.

The task was daunting to say the least, so the family put together a “God’s To Do List”, and stepped out in faith.  It took almost a year of saving, preparing and planning, and they saw God take care of all the details in amazing ways! So many God stories.

Initially the family agreed to go for one year; but after the first semester at Bible college, it soon became evident that God was calling them to surrender everything they had established in Ireland, to pursue His purpose and calling on their lives.  His plan was so much bigger than they could ever anticipate.  The couple surrendered and trusted in faith and obedience; not knowing how the Lord would sustain them financially through four years of college, but as usual God is ever faithful, and He did provide; oftentimes in miraculous ways. More God stories.

During this time, the family was very active in their home church in Scottsbluff, where Wayne had become a Deacon, then an Elder.  He taught Adult Sunday School every Sunday, and he and his wife headed up the Missions committee.  In 2013 Wayne graduated from Frontier School of the Bible with a bachelors’ degree.  No sooner had he graduated, than the lead pastor at their church resigned, and Wayne was urged to candidate.  Shortly thereafter Wayne was elected as the new Lead Pastor and was ordained. He pastored this church for four years, pouring his heart and soul into his flock and winning souls for Christ.

In 2017 Wayne recognized that this season as Lead Pastor was drawing to a close, and God was moving the Mundells on.  A new season was approaching and a new calling was awaiting him at Gering Zion Church. 

The couple has been attending Gering Zion since 2017, where Wayne now serves as the Discipleship Pastor – a role he loves and thrives in.  Evangelizing, teaching and discipling are Pastor Wayne’s areas of gifting and he loves “doing life with people”.  He is kind, personable, and is always finding the goodness of God around him.  Wayne has a burden for the lost and an undeniable passion to share the Gospel with whoever God sends his way.  His zeal for the Lord and indebtedness to God is so evident in his life.


Pastor Wayne is also a Certified life Coach and a Disaster Recovery Coach.  Pastor Wayne loves coaching and sharing his experiences with people of all ages.  Pastor Wayne Coaches through Careers, Relationships, Financial - (teaches people how to a budget and get out of debt too). Health, Spiritual and Well-being.  Through all of this he identifies their gifts and directs them on to the path that will lead them toward purposeful and fruitful life. 

On a personal note, Wayne is a devoted husband and father.  He loves Triathlons and recently finished his first 70.3 Ironman.  Fishing has been around since Pastor Wayne was little and just loves fishing all species.  Big dream is to catch a Tarpon in the Florida Keys.  But for now God has made him a “fisher of men”. 


To quote Wayne “without a shadow of doubt; this is God’s calling on my life, and I am deeply humbled that God, His Son Jesus would consider me to be an ambassador for Christ to go make Disciples teaching them all that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit has taught me, helping people to be reconciled to God, leading people to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  I pray He will always find me faithful, and I will persevere to do my utmost to finish well, for the Glory of His Name.”  Pastor Wayne's reminder is always, "Stay Close To Jesus

Gering Zion Church  |  1100 O Street Gering, Nebraska 69361  |  308.631.8413

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